Our Programs

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Two Year Olds

Enrolling your two-year-old in our Tuesday and Thursday morning class will open up your child’s world to a multitude of adventures! Children will have the opportunity to learn, grow, and develop through a variety of activities.  Our two-year-old program focuses on the social and emotional development of our youngest students!  Your child will grow in this loving environment that gives them a sense of comfort, safety, and confidence. Through play, your child will learn the world around them and themselves.  Our nurturing teachers will use role-play and modeling skills as they facilitate play with your children.  These activities include a wide variety of literature, gross motor play, music & dance, sensory play, and outside adventures!

Tuesday & Thursdays, 9:00-11:30



Your child will look forward to meeting their friends and teachers for our classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Theme based concepts are introduced during circle time through stories, games, songs, and dance.  Important social/emotional skills such as patience, taking turns, cooperation, using good manners, and showing respect for others are incorporated throughout the day. This classroom focuses on an emergent curriculum. Teachers plan activities on the interests of the children and help that interest to grow by creating meaningful learning experiences.  This classroom also focuses on strong fine motor development for emergent writing skills along with hands-on science experiments and sensory manipulatives.

We are pleased to offer 3- year- old children wishing to have longer days the option of enrolling in our Extended Day Program.

Monday & Wednesday 9:00-1:15,  Friday 9:00-11:45


Your child will be well prepared to enter kindergarten upon completion of our program. The children meet five days a week and are immersed in various thematic-based lessons throughout the year. Fox Hill’s emergent curriculum continues in this classroom by integrating literature, music, art, and science throughout the daily routine. Children work together in large and small group activities that enhance the theme and improve their problem-solving and fine motor skills. The focus in this classroom is pre-writing such as writing their names, reading skills such as supporting children in alphabet recognition, reading comprehension such as story sequencing, and mathematical skills such as using numbers, shapes, and colors.

Our author of the month, in-house field trips such as the Fox Chapel Fire Department and Petting Zoo, nature programs, playground time, and walks offer wonderful learning opportunities for our children.  The teachers work closely with surrounding kindergarten classrooms to gain the most knowledge on how to prepare your child for kindergarten success!

We are pleased to offer 4- & 5-year-old children wishing to have a longer school day the option of enrolling in our Extended Day Program.

Preschool Day:  Monday-Thursday 9:00-1:30, Friday 9:00-12:00

Extended Day: Monday-Friday, 9:00-3:00


Extended Day

Fox Hill Preschool is pleased to offer an extended day option until 3:00pm for children enrolled in the 3 and 4/5 year-old classes whose families need a longer school day. Extended day includes story time, teacher guided and independent activities, outdoor time, indoor gross motor in our fellowship hall, art, and music.  Special activities are planned during holidays and on Fridays, the children eat lunch together.  Sign up for extra fun at Fox Hill Preschool!

3s: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm

4/5s: Monday-Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm

Early & After Care Programs

3s, 4s, and 5s students whose parents need extended schedules may register for Early Care and/or After Care.

Early Care Program Options
Students may be dropped off between 8–9 a.m.
3s may register  for 3 days/week (MWF), 4s may register for 3-5 days per week.

After Care Program Options
Students may be picked up between 3–5 p.m.
3s may register for 3 days/week (MWF), 4s may register for 3-5 days per week. Please provide an estimated pickup window to the After Care Teachers.

Lunch Bunch

Friday Lunch Bunch is offered to 3s & 4/5s as an optional session for those children who would like to experience an extended day eating lunch with new friends and enjoy a longer day of socialization at Fox Hill Preschool!. There are Fall and Spring Sessions that run seven weeks each. The 3’s will experience what it’s like in the “big preschool house” and the 4s/5s will enjoy staying longer with friends during these sessions!  Special fun-filled activities, both indoor and outdoor activities, are provided by our teachers. Packed lunch should be provided by parents.


How To Register Your Child for Preschool

We would love to show you an in-person or virtual tour. Please reach out to jennifer.pierce@foxhillpreschool.org with any questions and to schedule your tour today!

Already decided to apply? Follow the steps here!

Call For Inquiry


EMail For Inquiry



Fill out an application at foxhillpreschool.org/apply


You will receive an emailed invoice for the $75 application fee that can be paid online here with credit card or in-person with cash or check. Make sure to send your immunization records to director@foxhillpreschool.org!  


You’ll receive a welcome letter in 3-5 days once your child’s application is approved!  A nonrefundable $500 deposit is required to secure your child’s registration for the fall; you will receive an emailed invoice with a payment link shortly after your welcome letter. You will hear from your child’s teachers in late summer with details about what to expect.  We can’t wait to see you at school!


Application Fee and Deposits

A $75 application fee is due with at the time of application submisssion. The application fee can be paid online here  or in-person with cash or check. Once your application is approved, a $500 is required to secure your child’s fall enrollment. You will receive an emailed invoice for the deposit within 2-3 days after your welcome letter. This amount is non-refundable but is credited towards your tuition balance.

Payment Plans

We offer two payment plans:

  • Monthly Payments- Payments are due on the 15th of each month, from August-May. You will receive an emailed invoice reminder at the start of each month. 
  • Pay Tuition in Full- paying your tuition in full by August 15th will receive a 5% discount. You will receive an emailed invoice reminder at the beginning of August.

Whichever payment plan you choose, please note that the application fee, deposit, and August payment must be received in order for your child to start school in September. 


We offer several discounts on regular tuition:
  • Early Registration by April 1st (5%)- $75 application fee and $500 non-refundable deposit must be paid by April 1st in order to qualify
  • Multi-Child Discount (10%)- for families enrolling more than one child in the same school year
  • Church Member (25%)- must be a current member of Faith UMC to qualify.
  • Pay Tuition in Full (5%)- must pay application fee and tuition balance in full by August 15th to quality
  • Pay by Cash or Check (3%)- pay by cash or check to receive discount at time of payment. 

Scholarships are also available. To see if you qualify for a scholarship, email Director Jennifer Pierce jennifer.pierce@foxhillpreschool.org.

How to Pay

Fox Hill Preschool accepts cash, checks, and credit cards online.

Checks can be made out to: Fox Hill Preschool, 261 W Chapel Ridge Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15238. Please note your child’s name in the memo line. Cash and checks can be dropped off in-person at the office or mailed. Tuition invoices paid by cash or check will receive a 3% discount at time of payment.

Credit card payments can be made online. You will receive emailed invoices with your current balance; follow the link in the email to pay with credit card online. To pay just the application fee, click here. 

Please contact office@faithfoxchapel.org  if you need a copy of an invoice or receipt. 


If for some reason you have to unenroll your child from Fox Hill Preschool and wish to receive a refund of tuition that has already been paid, please put your request in writing to Director Jennifer Pierce at jennifer.pierce@foxhillpreschool.org. Please include your withdraw date and reason for withdrawing. Once your request has been approved, a refund check will be mailed to your specified address. 

Late enrollment discounts and refunds are pro-rated by the number of weeks attended. Please note that the application fee and deposit are non-refundable.




Years Running

Get In Touch

Location:  261 W Chapel Ridge Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15238

Telephone: (412) 963-8824

For enrollment and student questions,  email: jennifer.pierce@foxhillpreschool.org

For tuition or payment questions, email:


Office Hours: M-F: 9am – 4pm

Fostering an Inclusive environment

Fox Hill Preschool is a secular program that welcomes children from all ethnic, religious, and social  backgrounds as well as families of all kinds. Our curriculum promotes creativity with social and emotional growth, while emphasizing basic universal values, such as kindness, friendship, honesty, compassion, and patience. We believe in creating a welcoming and supportive educational environment for children.